
What is the BTClock?

A open-source block-shaped “clock” which can show you information related to bitcoin. It is open-source and you can build it yourself.

When sourcing everything yourself, you will need to do some soldering. This shop offers pre-soldered versions where all the components are already soldered on the PCB.

To make a fully working BTClock, you will also need to buy 7x 2.13 inch B/W displays by WeAct. These are sold on AliExpress (please make sure you buy the right version, the 3-color Black/White/Red version is not supported because of the long refresh time).

The build instructions can be found on the source pages, there you will also find the links on AliExpress.

(Note for buyers from the US, assembled clocks are available from the US-based BTC Hardware Solutions shop).

Except for orders for Adopting Bitcoin Cape Town (24-25 January), orders placed after Saturday January 18th will be shipped after February 7th.

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